Acupuncture for back pain - Acupuncture price list for back pain

Acupuncture for back pain - Acupuncture price list for back pain 

Acupuncture for back pain is a method widely used by many people not only because of its effectiveness but also less side effects than western medicine. The advantages and importance as well as how to perform acupuncture to treat back pain, let's join Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine clinic to answer these questions.

1. Acupuncture address for back pain treatment in Ho Chi Minh City 

   Acupuncture is a method directly related to acupuncture points. The needles will be effective if they are inserted at the right acupuncture point. However, if acupuncture is in the wrong place on the body, the patient can face some risks such as paralysis, muscle atrophy, etc.

   Therefore, it is very important to choose reputable acupuncture addresses with highly qualified and skilled doctors. Currently, in Ho Chi Minh City, there are many clinics and centers, but the most appreciated is Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine Clinic because of the good quality of acupuncture services for back pain treatment.

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2. Acupuncture price list for back pain 

   Currently, at Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine Clinic, we provide acupuncture services for back pain with extremely reasonable prices. Only 300,000 VND for a course of more than an hour. Besides, the service will be performed by highly skilled doctors to bring the best experience to customers.

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3.   Examination and treatment of back pain at Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine Clinic

   Acupuncture is applied in the treatment of many diseases, including back pain. Simply put, acupuncture is a method of treatment according to Eastern medicine that has appeared many centuries ago. The use of acupuncture is to relieve pain and cure diseases according to the principle of balancing yin and yang energy in the body.

   According to the theory of Oriental Medicine, when the body is out of balance of yin and yang, the meridians will be blocked, causing pain symptoms. Acupuncture with thin and small needles will stimulate acupuncture points on 14 meridians in the body, helping to release energy.

   In addition, the needles also have the effect of stimulating the body to produce endorphin hormones - hormones that reduce pain, regulate blood, and help nerves work stably. Acupuncture helps patients relieve pain without the use of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. This reduces the risk of side effects for the patient. The two most popular acupuncture methods today are electro-acupuncture and hydro-acupuncture.

   At Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine Clinic, we provide acupuncture for back pain depending on the disease:

  • ·        For low back pain caused by welding

This is a cause that often occurs suddenly because the patient has a cold, is caught in the rain, lives in a humid place or because the patient sweats a lot and has a bad infection. Patients will receive acupuncture according to the way described in the central points of the central nervous system, and the yang nanquan acupoint. 

  • ·        For back pain caused by blood stasis

Back pain due to blood stasis occurs when the patient works, sleeps in the wrong position. The patient will be given acupuncture points, that is, at the painful sites.

  • ·        For back pain caused by kidney failure

Back pain caused by kidney failure usually occurs when the patient's body is tired or overworked and will ease when the patient rests. For this reason, the patient will be pricked at the kidney du, great chief du, par mon, and bai Lieu acupuncture points.

Odoo • Hình ảnh với chú thích

If you are having symptoms or want to know more details about acupuncture treatment for back pain at Hoa Sen Oriental Medicine Clinic, please contact us immediately:  

Address:   33/16 Ly Van Phuc, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1

                  32/83 Bui Dinh Tuy, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District

Phone number:   0778899207
